Reyes Kajukenbo Archive

Preserving the history and spirit of Kajukenbo.

Help us honor the past by preserving our community's stories and knowledge for future generations. The Reyes Kajukenbo Archive (RKA), invites you to share your personal experiences, photos, films, videos, notebooks, knowledge and more. Together, we can inspire and guide future generations in the art of Kajukenbo.

Rest assured, we will treat your contributions with the utmost care and respect. We will digitize, document, and promptly return your contributions if you wish. Collection donations will be recognized and honored. Additionally, please consider leaving your Kajukenbo collections to the RKA in your will.

Join us in celebrating the Aloha spirit of Kajukenbo.



We would like recognize the following for the donation of their collections to the Archive. Thank you for helping us to honor our past by preserving our knowledge and stories for future generations. Contact us about your collection.

The Reyes Kenpo Karate Collection, donated by The Reyes Family.

The Reyes Family Collection, donated by Jamie Baldwin Bamburg and Te Reyes.

The Henry Mandac Collection, donated by Clyde Mandac.

The Sigung Thomas-Gitlin Collection, donated by Susan Thomas-Gitlin.

The Zickowski Collection, donated by the Zickowski Family.

The Grandmaster Lee Hart Collection, donated by the Hart Family.

We’re interested in your stories and memories, where we came from and why we keep doing this art we call Kajukenbo. If you have boxes of photos, films, or videos, send them to us. We’ll Your Documents digitized and Added to the archive.